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Many articles talk about App store optimization (ASO) tactics, but only a few touch the fundamentals of a successful ASO strategy. By focusing simply on tactics instead of developing an effective
The Christmas and New Year period is an excellent opportunity to obtain more organic downloads. However, choosing the right store listing assets that convince users to download your app or game
It’s been two years since Apple introduced Search Ads in 13 storefronts*, and it’s clear to anyone in the industry that they have been a huge success. Setting them up is
This is an in-depth case study by Jiri Chochlik, an ASO Expert at AppAgent Good mobile marketing managers are relentlessly looking for new ways to improve their user acquisition efforts. They
So many people waste time and resources on their App Store Optimization (ASO) by copying other people, without having any proof that their activities will make a difference. To help explain
NOTE: Viber released an updated store listing shortly before we published the analysis, where they utilize several strategies mentioned below (new keywords in the name of the app or added subtitle).
This is a guest post by Jiri Chochlik, founder at AsoFriend and ASO Specialist at AppAgent.   It’s no secret that titles – and now also subtitles – are the most important
A recent survey on download decisions claimed that the description of the app was the second most important reason for install, with rating coming in as number one. The problem is,
Today’s post is part of my guest chapter from an upcoming book called “Advanced ASO” by Moritz Daan and Gabe Kwakyi. I cover the whole featuring process, all tips & tricks




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