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In this article, we explore the significance of working with UGC, the benefits of collaborating with content creators, and where to find them,
Learn how to optimize four critical areas of the FTUE process, including the Splash screen, Welcome screen, Sign-up screen, and Opt-in screen.
Maximize your subscription app’s profitability with our guide on calculating ROAS and optimizing key metrics like LTV, CPI, and CR.
Learn the key elements of USP and Product Positioning, and identify the ideal growth phase for your subscription app.
As the mobile app industry evolves, many companies struggle to keep up with the latest trends and adapt through effective strategies. As a solution, mobile growth audits have become an increasingly
To learn more about industry insights and best practices, sign up for the AppAgent newsletter here. Ad monetization waterfalls might sound confusing, but the principle behind them is reassuringly simple. In
Last updated on September 20th, 2022 To learn more about mobile marketing industry insights and best practices, sign up for the AppAgent newsletter here. For sustainable mobile app growth, you must
To learn more about industry insights and best practices, sign up for the AppAgent newsletter here. Learn what ad monetization means, which mobile ad formats you can use, why eCPM matters
To learn more about industry insights and best practices, sign up for the AppAgent newsletter here. Looking back at the year 2018, I’ve been very fortunate to have a chat with




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